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Wakf Commissioners of Kenya


Who Are We?

This is a board of members of a religious, charitable or benevolent endowment or dedication of any property in accordance with Islamic law appointed and constituted under section 6 of Kenyan constitution to prescribe their powers, duties and to amend the law relating to wakf property.

Who We Are

Who We Are

We are a board of Members of religious group appointed to prescribe their powers, duties and to amend the law relating to Wakf properties.


To lead a Muslim Umma that is prosperous and spiritually fulfilled.


To Register and Administer Waqf properties and develop them on behalf of Muslims for sustainability.

Major Functions

Advise Central Government

To advise Central Government, State Governments, State Waqf Boards on matters concerning the working of the Boards and due administration of wakf.

Scheme for Development of Urban Waqf Properties

To implement the Scheme for Development of Urban Waqf Properties & Identification of potential Waqf land for development by Waqf Commissioner of Kenya.

To Take up the Waqf matters

To take up the Waqf matters with various departments of Central and State Governments.

Monitor Amendment Wakf Act

To monitor the implementation of the provisions of Waqf (Amendment) Act, in States and UTs.

Educational and Women Welfare Schemes Implementation

To implement Educational and Women Welfare Schemes for skill development and to empower the poor, especially Women.

To Undertake Awareness Programmes

To undertake awareness programmes to promote the interest of the Commissioners and to sensitize them about their new roles and responsibilities.

Protection and retrieval of the Waqf Properties

To render legal advice on protection and retrieval of the Waqf Properties and for removal of encroachment etc.

Get information on the performance of the State Waqf

To seek necessary information from the State Government/Boards on the performance of the State Waqf Boards as per the provision given in the Waqf (Amendment) Act.


To Register Wakf properties on behalf of the entire Muslim Umma.

To Administer Wakf properties on behalf of the entire Muslim Umma.

To implement Educational and Women Welfare Schemes for skill development and to empower the poor, especially Women.

To implement the Scheme for Development of Urban Waqf Properties & Identification of potential Waqf land for development by Waqf Commissioner of Kenya.

Our Core Values

Belonging to the Community.
Loyalty to the Community
Result-oriented management
Be the First
Financial returns and investments

Meet the Office Team

Dr. Ibrahim Bulushi
Dr. Ibrahim Bulushi

C.E.O of Waqf Kenya

Mr. Abdul Qadir M
Mr. Abdul Qadir M

Agent - Kwale County

Bwana Makka
Bwana Makka

Agent - Tana River County

Dr. Adam
Dr. Adam

Agent - Taita Taveta County

Mr. Mohamed K. Shali
Mr. Mohamed K. Shali

Administration Assistant

Mr. Rashid Abdallah
Mr. Rashid Abdallah

Waqf Kenya Property Manager

Mr. Ali Omar Hamis
Mr. Ali Omar Hamis


Mr. Omar Bakari
Mr. Omar Bakari

Office Assistant

Mr. Thabit Abubakar Maawiya
Mr. Thabit Abubakar Maawiya

Agent - Lamu County

Mr. Hemedun Islam
Mr. Hemedun Islam

Agent - Kilifi/Malindi County