Started as early 1832 by the Sultanate of Zanzibar
• First Waqf Legislation was in 1900
• First Waqf Institution “The Commission of Waqf and Trust property” 1904
• Waqf Commissioners Act (Cap 47) – 1948
• Current Law was assented to on 8th June 1951
• Referred to as Waqf Commissioners Act (Cap 109)
• It provides for the appointment of Waqf Commissioners and prescribe their powers and duties
• Every Waqf made by the benefit of any Muslim shall be administered accordance with the provisions of this Act.
1) At the first meeting held in each year the Wakf Commissioners shall elect a prominent Muslim from among their members to be the chairman for the ensuing year.
2) The chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Wakf Commissioners at which he is present, and in his absence from any meeting the commissioners present shall elect a commissioner to preside over the meeting.
3) A quorum of the Wakf Commissioners shall be three of whom one shall be an ex officio member.
The Wakf Commissioners may, upon such terms and conditions as they may think fit, employ a secretary, who shall hold a professional qualification as an accountant or a secretary, and such other officers and servants as may be deemed requisite for the proper administration of the affairs of the Wakf Commissioners, and may dismiss any person so employed.